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Finding Balance in a Digital World

Finding Balance in a Digital World

John La Puma, MD, a physician in Santa Barbara, California, is concerned about how much doctors are using technology and, to provide perspective, he recently organized an event at a local regenerative organic farm with the express goal of giving doctors at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital…Read More
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New ASCO Guidelines for Advanced Ovarian Cancer

New ASCO Guidelines for Advanced Ovarian Cancer

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has released updated guidelines for neoadjuvant chemotherapy in newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer, introducing changes in patient selection and treatment strategies. The changes reflect emerging evidence on racial disparities, treatment outcomes, and quality of life considerations. The publication of the new guidance follows dramatic shifts in treatment patterns […]
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Do We Need to Change the ‘Old Ways’ of Dying?

Do We Need to Change the ‘Old Ways’ of Dying?

Tuscany has become the first region in Italy to approve a medically assisted suicide law that provides patients with clear procedures and timelines. Marco Cappato “Today, we have achieved an important victory to prevent people from being kept in conditions of unbearable suffering against their will,” Marco Cappato…Read More
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Prolonged Anesthesia Exposure Linked to Cognitive Decline

Prolonged Anesthesia Exposure Linked to Cognitive Decline

TOPLINE: Increased exposure to general anesthesia during surgical procedures is associated with long-term decline in executive function, selective attention and mental speed, and information processing speed. METHODOLOGY: In a sub-analysis of a prospective cohort study conducted in the Netherlands, researchers assessed the relationship between total exposure to general anesthesia and cognitive function over a follow-up […]
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Higher Calcium Intake May Lower CRC Risk

Higher Calcium Intake May Lower CRC Risk

TOPLINE: Higher calcium intake from dietary sources and supplements was consistently associated with a reduced risk for colorectal cancer (CRC) across different tumor sites, and increased consumption could benefit patients who don’t get enough of the mineral, a long-running cohort study found. METHODOLOGY: Researchers analyzing the National Institutes of Health–AARP Diet and Health Study found […]
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