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Q&A: How optimism can encourage healthy habits

Q&A: How optimism can encourage healthy habits

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? If you rewind to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, chances are you experienced some level of pessimism. And who could blame you? With social isolation, health concerns and economic uncertainty, fear and anxiety became a daily reality for many…Read More
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Does Taking ‘The Pill’ Reduce Ovarian Cancer Risk?

Does Taking ‘The Pill’ Reduce Ovarian Cancer Risk?

The use of oral contraceptives and a greater number of live births both reduced the risk of ovarian cancer, according to a new analysis of a population registry. “Findings from our large-scale, hypothesis-free, machine-learning study suggest that the risk for ovarian cancer is likely to be…Read More
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Benzene in Benzoyl Peroxide Products: New Findings

Benzene in Benzoyl Peroxide Products: New Findings

The formulation of benzoyl peroxide (BP) products plays a role in the levels of benzene found, according to new research, with leave-on products found to have significantly lower concentrations of benzene. Concerns about the potential for BP products to break down into benzene, a known carcinogen…Read More
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New GLP-1 Data Reinforce CV Benefit

New GLP-1 Data Reinforce CV Benefit

The glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonist tirzepatide lowers the risk for cardiovascular (CV) events in patients with obesity and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), whether they have general adiposity, measured with the body mass index (BMI), or central adiposity, measured with the waist-to-height ratio…Read More
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The Surprising Source of Next-Gen Antibiotics: Oyster Blood

The Surprising Source of Next-Gen Antibiotics: Oyster Blood

The search for a solution to antimicrobial resistance found something. And researchers found it in a true “it’s always the last place you look” location. Australian oysters. Or more specifically, Australian oyster blood. We know antimicrobial resistance claims at least 1 million lives each year, and experts suspect that number to double by 2050…Read More
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