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Postpartum Intervention Improved PCP Visits in Year After Delivery

Postpartum Intervention Improved PCP Visits in Year After Delivery

A postpartum intervention that prescheduled an annual primary care provider (PCP) appointment for pregnant participants increased their likelihood of visiting their PCP within the year after delivery, according to research presented at the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine 2025 Pregnancy Meeting.  Prenatal visits during pregnancy often comprise a period of “high health activation and motivation for […]
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FDA Okays New Rapid-Acting Biosimilar Insulin for Diabetes

FDA Okays New Rapid-Acting Biosimilar Insulin for Diabetes

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Sanofi’s Merilog (insulin-aspart-szjj), a biosimilar to Novolog (insulin aspart), for treating adults and children with diabetes.  The approval “highlights our continued efforts to improve the efficiency of the biosimilar approval process to help support a competitive marketplace and increase options for costly treatments…Read More
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OSCE Success: Med Students’ Guide to Acing Clinical Exams

OSCE Success: Med Students’ Guide to Acing Clinical Exams

They’re stressful. They’re tough. They’re the OSCEs: Exams that train you — the medical student — to be the best doctor you can be. OSCE stands for objective structured clinical examination, and it’s been around for decades, said Lisa Howley, PhD, MEd, senior director of transforming medical education at the Association of American Medical Colleges […]
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Think the Urinary Tract Is Sterile? Think Again

Think the Urinary Tract Is Sterile? Think Again

Researchers from Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland have identified a kidney microbiome that plays a role in both kidney health and the formation of kidney stones. Led by Aaron Miller, PhD, and José Agudelo, MD, the study provides strong evidence that the urinary tract is not sterile…Read More
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Does Celebrity Chatter about Weight-Loss Drugs Help or Harm?

Does Celebrity Chatter about Weight-Loss Drugs Help or Harm?

Many celebrities are talking enthusiastically about their experiences with weight-loss drugs — especially semaglutide-based glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs; Ozempic, Wegovy). It’s no surprise that the recent Golden Globes was dubbed “Ozempic’s biggest night.” That show exemplified the fervent celebrity chatter that has helped send prescriptions for these drugs skyrocketing…Read More
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